tanks_chung is a free 3D openGL tank game with terrain relief , combat simulation and map editor i have written in Liberty Basic v4.03
=> tanks_chung.zip (3.3 Mo) (30/08/2010)
(include tanks_chung.exe directly executable)
(22/10/2009) trees textures added
(28/10/2009) tank canon combat added
(05/11/2009) bushes added
(15/11/2009) performances improved
(30/08/2010) ground terrain more compatible with other PCs
<= enlarge 
description : tanks_chung is a compact 3D openGL tanks game with combat simulation and integrated map editor.To install just unzip the zip file into c:\tanks_chung folder.To play just run tanks_chung.exe.To uninstall just delete unzipped folder.Follow other tanks while they run through the vast game area.Declare war or attack them to start combat.Add objects directly in the scene with the map editor and see them instantly.Generate random terrain relief or modify it.Joysticks and gamepad supported.tanks_chung is an Open source program written in Liberty Basic and openGL.Source file is included in the zip file.
=> tanks_chung.zip (3.3 Mo) (30/08/2010)
(include tanks_chung.exe directly executable)
(22/10/2009) trees textures added
(28/10/2009) tank canon combat added
(05/11/2009) bushes added
(15/11/2009) performances improved
(30/08/2010) ground terrain more compatible with other PCs

description : tanks_chung is a compact 3D openGL tanks game with combat simulation and integrated map editor.To install just unzip the zip file into c:\tanks_chung folder.To play just run tanks_chung.exe.To uninstall just delete unzipped folder.Follow other tanks while they run through the vast game area.Declare war or attack them to start combat.Add objects directly in the scene with the map editor and see them instantly.Generate random terrain relief or modify it.Joysticks and gamepad supported.tanks_chung is an Open source program written in Liberty Basic and openGL.Source file is included in the zip file.