Wednesday, March 14, 2012

AIMLscintilla_chung free AIML editor with test run using scintilla and AIML_chung

AIMLscintilla_chung is an AIML editor with test run feature using scintilla and AIML_chung free standalone chatbot . Edit and test aiml chat bot files.


Friday, March 2, 2012

gui_chung_dll a dll version of gui_chung to easily make gui windows in any language

gui_chung_dll is an older dll version of gui_chung to easily make gui windows with graphics in any language , as c/c++, freebasic, with simple syntax inspired from Liberty Basic easy gui coding (buttons, combobox, edittext, statictext, listbox, menu, graphicbox,...). Includes creation of openGL windows and guiloadtexture from jpg with alpha, and gfx graphics windows drawing. It is based on windows api and is written in compiled freebasic (freeware).

click here =>