Monday, June 30, 2014

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

face3D_chung free 3D obj model with texture from single face photo

face3D chung is a small mesh editor with which you can create speaking 3D obj model character avatar head objects with texture from a single photo of any man or woman for your games. Works by 3D & texture morphing .Uses freebasic apps gui_chung , loadobj3ds_chung , openGL1.4 and aiml_chung_dll . Can run on a small netbook. .Is free open source.
Can be used as mesh editor (adjust texture,scale parts) by load/save as model .

=>  (20Mo)

(08/06/2014) speaking avatars with moving lips added
(11/06/2014) AIML dialog added
(28/08/2016) speak3D_chung_dll dll version with example added
(29/08/2016) speak3D_chung_dll2 for multi avatars display