here you can find a demo of html5 canvas + jsc3d + face3D_chung 3D obj model animated avatar from photo (free open source) + google translate TTS text to speech + eliza like chatbot (pure javascript , no WebGL required )
(TTS function: Chrome only, Firefox & ie11 : not always)
_face3D_chung_elizabot.html (eliza based online chatbot )
_face3D_chung_sashabot.html (idem with another avatar )
womanjean_elizabot.html (idem with lowpoly avatar )
"*" => repeat last input
"" => autochat
(17/07/2014) now you can enter only the first letters of words
(19/07/2014) eval(...) key added from javascript eval() function , so you can insert pieces of javascript program allowing all javascript Maths String and Conditional features in key/pattern/result (see 'whats my name' / 'my name is' example in myelizadata.js)
(20/07/2014) var elizaredir added, if not empty, resubmit with input=elizaredir (20 times max) see test example