Sunday, January 18, 2015

mywebglflight free 3D webgl / bing static maps flight simulator

here you can find my open source online 3D webgl flight / car simulator with shaders (nothing to download)
arrows : turn    pageup/pagedown : motor    H : help
Comes with a small riding hack & slash fighting game forest_chung with trees, grass, rocs, monsters
You can also go to any place around the world with bing static maps earth satellite images (shift+G flyto). Fly over africa with 3D moving horses, zebras, elephants, girafes, antilopes, birds. Can run on a small netbook .

works better with firefox32, also with chrome, not ie11(no webaudio),don't forget to enable javascript

=>   (with srtm data & dogfight & car)




test if you can run webgl =>
(12/10/2014) web audio api sounds instead of html5 audio
(13/10/2014) yougo, grece, hawai, japan added
(15/10/2014) skydome added
(17/10/2014) egypt, vietnam added + real weather
(20/10/2014) raindrops on cockpit added
(22/10/2014) optional game save cookie added
(23/10/2014) joystick and gamepad supported
(25/10/2014) foot mode added
(11/11/2014) forest_chung small hack&slash version added
(14/11/2014) small jscompile_chung javascript compressor / compiler added
(18/11/2014) resize window support
(17/01/2015) worldwide google static maps satellite images added
(18/01/2015) flyto geolocation added
(21/01/2015) many preset places added
(25/01/2015) draw airports added
(26/01/2015) tanks added
(28/01/2015) buildings added
(30/01/2015) cssscale added (lowerres<=>faster)
(01/02/2015) faster rotates for fps<10
(03/02/2015) alphajet added
(16/02/2015) satellite srtm elevation data added
(18/02/2015) start/stop dogfight added (shift+D)
(23/02/2015) wild horses added
(25/02/2015) minimal cockpit added
(01/03/2015) elephants, girafes, zebras, antilopes, birds added
(04/03/2015) car mode added
(24/06/2018) bing not google

source  =>