Sunday, April 24, 2016

myCesiumflight html5 webgl Cesium flight simulator

myCesiumflight chung is a small Cesium engine based 3D webgl flight simulator written in html5, css and javascript . Fly anywhere in the world with photorealistic high resolution terrain imagery and elevation heightmaps . Uses cssscale to increase fps rate. (12 fps fullscreen on my notebook) . Fetchs openstreetmap infos to display airports on radar and generate airports radio messages .Also osm bridges and buildings save / reload on startup . Works on chrome & firefox , not edge .
may work no more due to Cesium changes

latest recent version =>   

direct play online =>  myCesiumflight_chung.html      (nothing to install, webgl must be enabled)

find the source here =>

note : your browser must support html5 localstorage

(28/05/2016) realtime openstreetmap bridges added
(05/06/2016) realtime osm buildings added
(14/06/2016) shadows+save/load buildings on startup
(15/06/2016) ballon added