Wednesday, January 10, 2018

morphobj3DS_chung a free program for morphing obj 3ds mesh objects

morphobj3DS chung is a free program for viewing / morphing multi obj 3ds mesh model objects and obj models up to 200k vertices for high quality animations .Uses loadobj3ds_chung and openGL . Comes with an example of waking 3ds elephant and bikini lady animation with face3D head . Is written in fast freebasic .
Combine multiple variation meshes with a base mesh to easily build complex animations .
Cab run on old pcs with openGL1.4 .

you can find it there =>   

Monday, January 1, 2018

autopiano_chung automatic version of midipiano_chung brainpiano2 virtual piano synthesizer

autopiano_chung is an automatic midi player version of midipiano_chung brainpiano2 virtual piano synthesizer .
(freebasic /autopiano folder + dlls) to add to your programs.
autopiano_test is an example of use .
it plays with a random algorythm the midifiles in the "/automidi" folder (for now max 200 files) .
autopiano runs on another thread than the main program to minimize overhead , especially on multicore cpus .
to change midipiano sounds settings run /autopiano/brainpiano2_chung.exe

click here =>