Monday, July 29, 2019

seashore_chung 3D island ocean seashore sandbox game

seashore chung is a 3D opengl seashore beach island swim / wind sailship / horse ride / dive underwater explore sandbox game with ocean sea animated textures made with glvideotexture_chung and buildings town obj exported from freewebcar_chung written in easy fast freebasic .


(25/02/2019) woman horses riders added
(17/04/2019) tyrex, giant spider fight mode added


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

minimidi_chung free midi player using midipiano_chungDLL

minimidi_chung is a free midi player (up to 11 stations midi folders, 100 midifiles per folder) with repeat (all, rnd, one)  using midipiano_chungDLL lite dll player version of midipiano_chung (freeware 2013) with unique acoustic piano sound. Just double click and let the music play .
Can run on a small netbook.
