Monday, May 24, 2021

photo3D_chung relief effect for jpg or animated gif image / seashore3D_chung / galaxy_chung 3D freebasic

photo3D chung is a free freebasic program to display photo 2D jpg or animated gif image with a 3D bas-relief effect (put your images and animation frames in the "media/" folder ) . It is written in freebasic and uses gui_chung and openGL with normals and lighting .
switchable mono/stereo option to use with stereo bicolor red/cyan glasses (anaglyph) .
seashore3D_chung new animated seashore scene application added with animated sea , trees , girl , sky
galaxy_chung display 3d galaxy flight game using opengl primitives for any axis free 3D space fly matrix rotation calculation (just uses opengl , no external lib)

link =>

Saturday, May 1, 2021

mp3folder_chung free mp3 folder player

 mp3folder chung is a mp3 folder player for windows written in freebasic.
copy _mp3folder_chung (.exe) application file in the mp3 folder of your choice , run the program and it will play the mp3 in the folder .
