Monday, December 22, 2014

chatbot_chung free simple keywords entertainment chatbot

chatbot chung is a keywords based probabilities algorythm simple entertainment chatbot with 3D talking openGL avatars written in freebasic. It generates random questions/answers according to the input keywords or text but can import aiml simple question/answer or question/random/answers or single star/ multi srai data saved from "AIML_chung" open source application . Comes with a html5 and pure javascript online version (with auto detection of 44 multilanguages support include english, autodetect, francais, german, italian, spanish, greek, russian, arabic, chinese, vietnamese ...) .

click here =>      (9 Mo include html files)

note: desktop version is the more recent (AIML, SORT gentext )

online html5 version =>  chatbot_chung.html    (nothing to download, speaks with firefox & chrome)
                                                                            (added voice recognizing on google chrome)
                                                                            (added wikipedia online data)
with lowpoly model =>  chatbot_chung2.html    
the plus : more various answers , easy to add content to the current 90000 questions/answers data

full large version =>    

   (01/01/2015) single star (aiml) import added
(01/01/2015) export data to javascript added (ctrl+J)
(02/01/2015) html : yandex multilingual auto detection translate added  (en,fr,es,de,it,...)
(12/01/2015) aiml single srai & star support added
(03/09/2015) aiml multi srai  support added
(05/09/2015) aiml set vars, get vars added
(08/09/2015) aiml condition tag support added
(10/09/2015) say "battledome" then "fight" test added
(11/09/2015) aiml simple <that> tag test added
(14/09/2015) voice recognition added on google chrome
(15/09/2015) wikipedia online data added to html version
(19/09/2015) wikipedia unlimited data added to the freebasic version

Sunday, December 7, 2014

forest_chung free webgl 3D fps / horse riding hack & slash game

forest chung is a free html5 webgl 3D fps / horse ride hack and slash exploration / fighting game written in javascript with shaders and vaste random procedural world, trees, grass, rocs, water, monsters, woman riders you can chat with chatbot_chung multilingual when they are near .

online game (nothing to download)
(works with firefox, Chrome, not iexplorer(no webaudio), others: to try)

source code =>

test if you can run webgl =>

(12/11/2014) river added (14/11/2014) small jscompile_chung javascript compressor / compiler added
(16/11/2014) ride horse added
(18/11/2014) resize window support
(21/11/2014) forest_chung fast rotate added for low fps
(06/12/2014) fighting 3D skeleton rider added
(09/12/2014) desert added
(12/12/2014) skeleton sprite animation from perso3D_chung added
(14/12/2014) birds added
(15/12/2014) css scalex (lowerres / faster) added
(16/12/2014) barbare woman rider added
(17/12/2014) woman jean rider added
(05/01/2015) chatbot_chung with near women riders added
(07/01/2015) auto resize screen supported
(04/12/2015) new grass, wild horses added