drive or fly on millions kilometers of real world roads and thousands towns all over the world.
works with firefox,chrome (no webaudio in iexplorer, faster but irregular and no localhost mode with chrome as chrome dont loads local images files.). Works well with N3540 cpu based notebook.
=> json_osmall_webgl_shadow.html
=> json_osmall_webglcarsimheight_shadow.html (with car sim)
=> json_osmall_webglcarsimheight_noshadow.html (idem with no shadow)
download source here => (6Mo)
note : your browser must support html5 localstorage
(04/05/2015) new radio [R] added
(20/05/2015) stop, cross panels added
(21/05/2015) speak voice added
(24/05/2015) autopilot mode added
(27/05/2015) 3rd view car model added
(05/06/2015) cars traffic added
(09/06/2015) mouse on screen control added
(26/06/2015) city panels added , switchable shadows
(30/06/2015) click on google maps to teleport
(03/07/2015) eiffeltower,libertystatue,christrio,domerock,gizah,capitol,tajmahal,buddah added
(05/07/2015) autopilot forward added, click on screen to move cockpit,reclick to reset
(06/07/2015) static/moving shadows
(12/07/2015) fog added
(15/07/2015) rocs added
(19/07/2015) draw far land added
(20/07/2015) mystreetview added (shif+M)
(21/07/2015) foot ascend mode (climb walls) added (A)
(23/07/2015) clouds shadow added
(20/08/2015) save/load export/import file gamesave
(09/10/2015) long roads and bridges support
(13/10/2015) optimized shadows shaders (fps 10->20)
(13/10/2015) bridges added to noshadow version (fps 28)
(14/10/2015) woman panel, church added
(19/10/2015) city distance panels added
(05/11/2015) winter scenary added
(28/11/2015) toyota, volvo cockpit added
(10/12/2015) half fog, cadillac cockpit added
(13/12/2015) mercedes,ford cockpits , logan cars added
(17/01/2016) tunnels added
(13/03/2016) gran trees added according to ground texture
(21/03/2016) moves in mystreetview view updates position
(22/03/2016) enhanced car fly mode (Q key)
(24/03/2016) press space or esc to quit mystreetview view
(26/03/2016) grass added
(08/04/2016) seawaves and sailable sailships added
(05/07/2017) roads names added