Monday, December 26, 2016

myweb_launcher_chung desktop to web internet applcations launcher

myweb_launcher chung is a small program that allow you to launch and close some web html applications directly from the desktop to some browser (chrome, default, firefox, iexplore) even if it is not the default browser . ex : launch and close json_osm_chung from desktop to chrome even if firefox is your default browser .(chrome is faster for webgl apps)


Friday, September 30, 2016

midipiano_chung_lite lite version of midipiano_chung

midipiano chung lite is a lite older but somehow better than more recent versions of midipiano_chung virtual standalone acoustic piano program , with more resonance .


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

aquarium_chung free 3D openGL virtual aquarium

aquarium_chung is a free open source photorealistic 3D openGL virtual aquarium i have written in freebasic with fishes, plants and rocks, decors .You can also pilot a mini submarine among the fishes and explore vaste 3D undersea with terrain relief . runs well on a n3540 cpu computer (60fps) .
download here =>

video =>   

(25/10/2016) sea version marine added

Friday, September 2, 2016

face3D_libertybasic liberty basic demo of gui_chung_dll and speak3D_chung_dll 3D talking avatars in openGL

face3D_libertybasic is a liberty basic demo of gui_chung_dll and speak3D_chung_dll dll versions of face3D talking avatars in openGL . Contains also an example of easy creating an openGL window from a liberty basic graphicbox using gui_chung_dll .

you can find it here =>    (1.9Mo)

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

simple utf8 to ansi string freebasic program

Have a problem displaying complex utf8 encoded strings ? Have a look at this small simple freebasic program which will do the work in most simple current cases


Sunday, April 24, 2016

myCesiumflight html5 webgl Cesium flight simulator

myCesiumflight chung is a small Cesium engine based 3D webgl flight simulator written in html5, css and javascript . Fly anywhere in the world with photorealistic high resolution terrain imagery and elevation heightmaps . Uses cssscale to increase fps rate. (12 fps fullscreen on my notebook) . Fetchs openstreetmap infos to display airports on radar and generate airports radio messages .Also osm bridges and buildings save / reload on startup . Works on chrome & firefox , not edge .
may work no more due to Cesium changes

latest recent version =>   

direct play online =>  myCesiumflight_chung.html      (nothing to install, webgl must be enabled)

find the source here =>

note : your browser must support html5 localstorage

(28/05/2016) realtime openstreetmap bridges added
(05/06/2016) realtime osm buildings added
(14/06/2016) shadows+save/load buildings on startup
(15/06/2016) ballon added

Sunday, March 27, 2016

the bidimensional complex numbers nature of world

Wondered why modern physics uses bidimensional complex numbers fourier transforms and waves probability bidimensional complex density functions.( why not one dimension, or 3,4 ?).
In fact it is due to the mathematical property that any function f(t) f(x) or f(x,y,z,t) can be decomposed as a sum of cos cosinus and sin sinus , which can be described as a sum of harmonics : cosinus with amplitude and phase (2 dimensions) for each frequency ,  amplitude*cos(twopi*frequency*t +phase)  which is fourier sum.
And so the nature of world is due to maths. 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

html5 pointillés dotted broken lines draw in canvas

heres an example of how to draw dooted broken lines (lignes pointillé) in html5 javascript canvas

  var contextx=0,contexty=0,contextpattern=0;
function context_moveTo(x,y){
function context_lineTo(x,y){
  else if(contextpattern==2){
     var dr=20,dx=(x-contextx),dy=(y-contexty),dn=Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)/dr;
     for(var i=0;i<dn;i++){context.moveTo(contextx+i*dx/dn,contexty+i*dy/dn);
     var dr=10,dx=(x-contextx),dy=(y-contexty),dn=Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)/dr;
     for(var i=0;i<dn;i++){context.moveTo(contextx+i*dx/dn,contexty+i*dy/dn);

Thursday, March 24, 2016

communicate with html iframe child window

how to easily interact communication between html parent window and child iframe window ?
use html5 localStorage if both parent and child window are in the same folder.
you can find a javascript example in my osm car sim json_osm_webcarsimheight_shadow and mystreetview

=>     (free open source) 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

woman3D_chung erotical nude art version of face3D_chung

woman 3D chung is an erotic nude art viewer version of face3D_chung openGL 3D avatar model creation program. ( beautifull not porn )

for 15+ years old,
personnal use only =>         

(27/12/2016) sounds, automove added
(17/01/2018) morphobj3DS_woman version added

Thursday, February 25, 2016

2000 light years from earth

2015 light years from earth , there is not a piece of causality photon from Jesus nor from any more recent people , and the universe is million times larger. So , are men's god for man or for the universe ? or rather consider it as a worldwide shared parapsychological entity

Monday, January 25, 2016

read_chung free text to speech txt book reader with 3D avatar

read chung is a small txt reader with 70 multilingual tts text to speech voices from responsivevoice and yandextranslate and animated 3D face avatar written in html5 , javascript and uses jsc3D .
open source, no adds popups.

play it here =>



you can download it there =>   (source)

find txt ebooks here =>

(15/02/2016) txt ansi format support added (default is utf-8)