gentext genmidi chung is a small text generation / midi piano music gen
generator based on SORT dychotomic algorythm (inspired from ai neural
networks RNN LSTM and Markov chains but not at all the same) .Trained
with an input text file , it can generate random variants text / music
stream in response to user input or freely (user enters empty input) or
non stop. Written in easy fast compiled freebasic. Generates midi music
when load miditext txt files saved with brainpiano3 of midipiano_chung .
No cuda or openCL required can run on a ordinary pc . genmidi_chung
version added for data size x2 (+ works with notes variations instead of
absolute values) + select midi output port. Can be an alternative to
standard playlist . Included utilities can generate txt files from midi
files folder and merge txt folder into single txt file .
(28/03/2019) midipiano_chung update : braipiano3 SORT brainsong computer made music generator algorythm trial added (non neural network : sort sequences instead of training + dichotomic search as inference)
works as well as neural networks and requires much less computing.(1 second training)