Monday, October 28, 2019

resonance_chung free music piano like reverb VST effect

resonance chung is a free gpl open source VST plugin effect compatible with VST steinberg, fb_chungVST , midipiano_chung , freemp3_chung music plugins support.
It aims to simulate the increase of reverberation with the number of played notes like in a real acoustic piano . a quick fft small fourier transform is used to estimate a number of played notes and modify the reverb rate in real time. harp option simulates piano shape .
Is written in easy fast freebasic .

click here =>

Sunday, October 20, 2019

wavtomid_chung high quality polyphonic audio wav to midi converter

wavtomid chung is an accurate high quality polyphonic audio wav / mp3 (libMAD) to mid midi midifile converter conversion transcription free open source written in easy compiled freebasic . new algorythm almost as good as the original with sample piano song . . new spectrum filter for enhanced detection . selfharmonics and reverb removal . may work with Bill Evans and Finanwen piano songs , others : to try (instruments must be well tuned) .
load import midi files then saveasmidi to add "wavtomid" effect to a midifile .

link =>

mp3 example => most_beautifull_day_low.mp3
mid created    => most_beautifull_day_low.mid  (updated)
mid as mp3    => most_beautifull_day_mid.mp3      

(14/10/2019) random neural network like filter option added
(01/11/2019) can load mp3 files (uses libMAD)
(13/11/2019) new spectrum filter   

(21/08/2020) mictomid_chung mic / mixer / wavein demo version added

midivelo_chung midiin to midiout velocity effects

midivelo chung is a free midi velocity multi effects application for your computer .
take midimsg in midiin port, apply velocity curve , delay on noteoff (sustain) , autovol , dual (layer) then send to midiout port. Written in fast freebasic . I use it between my midi player and the ctk6200 piano. midi_chung + midivelo_chung + (ctk6200 or midipiano_chung)
Finaly i connect it to my casio wk7600 as input and the same as feedback output to add virtual layer with delay on noteoff and resonance . Can be used as a piano instrument when output to midi mapper.

click here =>

(11/03/2018) dual (layer) function added to reproduce dual layered ctk6200 sounds
(28/02/2018) enhanced velocity autovol & tweak function
(20/10/2019) resonance added + bugs fixes